About Us



G'day Ballet Devotees!

We're so glad you found us here 😀

At C'est Pointe we're passionate about providing you with the most in depth, and immersive ballet training around. We want you to feel confident and safe as you hone your ballet technique, build strength, and gain mobility. Since we know that time and space is not always available to everyone, we're committed to creating courses and exercises that can be done just about anywhere!

We also know that ballet fanatic's love of ballet doesn't stop once they leave the studio or stage, they want ballet 24/7! That's why we've created super cute and wearable apparel that may not make sense to non-bun heads, but will give you a little smile and brighten your day.

And.... ballet is great, but it's even better when shared with likeminded dance enthusiasts. That's why it's part of our vision to create a C'est Pointe community who share their experiences, encourage others, and inspire each other as they progress on their ballet journey. We're here with you every step of the way.

Keep dancing,

Gemma and Tamara



Tamara and Gemma first met as students, and have been friends ever since!

Although their professional careers eventually lead them to opposite sides of the World- all the way from Australia (their home), to South Korea, to Germany, and beyond- their love of dance and friendship has endured.

Tamara and Gemma have worked with some of the most prominent and influential dancers and choreographers of our time. They can’t wait to share their knowledge, built over many years on stage, and in the studio, with you!



C'est Pointe helps you to achieve your ballet goals! Whether you're new to pointe, a complete ballet beginner, or an aspiring professional, there is a course for you. Follow along at your own pace, with the freedom to repeat and revise sections as much as you like.

Your coaches, Tamara and Gemma, have over 30 years of professional ballet experience between them, and deliver their immense knowledge to you in a fun and inspiring way. Learn about the origins of each step, why they're useful, common mistakes, and even how to self correct. At the end of each course you'll have the skills and confidence to step into a studio, or simply continue to progress at home with the C'est Pointe series.




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